Saltillo Mission
Collection Date: Jan. 6 & 7, 2024
Inspired by the Second Vatican Council and the call for the “first world” to reach out to the “third world” and share their resources, Father Patrick Quinn was selected in 1969 by then Bishop Joseph Brunini to open a mission for the diocese of Natchez-Jackson in Saltillo, Mexico. Since then, generations of Catholics from Mississippi traveled to the mission to serve their neighbors. While the Diocese of Jackson no longer staffs the mission, we still support the work being done there.
Bulletin announcement: The Saltillo Mission has a special place in the hearts of generations of Catholics in the Diocese of Jackson. From the time of its founding in 1969 until today, volunteers from Mississippi served their neighbors in this desperately poor region of Mexico. While the diocese no longer staffs the mission, we still provide financial support. Your donation to the Saltillo Mission collection will help provide transportation, sacraments and education to the people in Saltillo. Please be generous.
Anuncio del boletín: La Misión de Saltillo tiene un lugar especial en los corazones de generaciones de católicos en la Diócesis de Jackson. Desde su fundación en 1969 hasta hoy, voluntarios de Mississippi sirvieron a los vecinos de esta región muy pobre de México. Si bien la diócesis ya no tiene personal en la misión, aún brindamos ayuda financiera. Su donación a la colecta para la Misión de Saltillo ayudará a proveer transporte, sacramentos y educación a la gente de Saltillo. Por favor sea generoso.
Black and Indian Missions
Collection Date: Feb. 17 & 18, 2024
The Black and Indian Mission Office is comprised of three distinct but inter-related organizations, each with its own purpose and history, but all seeking to fulfill the one Mission to the Missions! Founded by the Catholic bishops of the United States, each organization cooperates with local diocesan communities to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and respond to real and pressing needs on the ground. They are: The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, the Commission for the Catholic Missions among the Colored People and the Indians and the Catholic Negro-American Mission Board. This collection is coordinated by the Black and Indian Mission Office.
Bulletin Announcement: Recognizing a need to call the faithful to support missionary work among African American and Native American Catholics, the U.S. Catholic bishops established this Catholic Church charity for the Catholic Missions in 1884 to administer a national collection—the first of its kind in the United States—to support missionary work. Ever since the first Collection in 1884, the Commission has administered the yearly, national Black and Indian Mission Collection. The generosity of the good People of God allows the Commission to give helpful grants to dioceses across the country to operate schools, parishes, and other missionary services that build the Body of Christ in Native American, Alaska Native, and Black Catholic communities.
Anuncio del boletín: Reconociendo la necesidad de llamar a los fieles para apoyar el trabajo misionero entre los católicos Afroamericanos y Nativos Americanos, los obispos católicos de los Estados Unidos establecieron esta organización benéfica de la Iglesia católica para las Misiones Católicas en 1884, para administrar una colecta nacional, la primera de su tipo en el Estados Unidos, para apoyar el trabajo misionero. Desde la primera Colecta en 1884, la Comisión ha administrado anualmente la Colecta Nacional de Misiones Indias y Negras. La generosidad del buen Pueblo de Dios le permite a la Comisión otorgar subvenciones útiles a diócesis de todo el país para operar escuelas, parroquias y otros servicios misioneros que construyen el Cuerpo de Cristo en las comunidades de Nativos Americanos, Nativos de Alaska y católicos de comunidades de la raza negra.
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Catholic Service Appeal
Collection Start Date: Feb. 10 & 11, 2024
The Catholic Service Appeal is the annual giving campaign of the Diocese of Jackson. There are many services the Diocese provides to our parishes, schools, and to all Catholics that would be difficult for even the most prosperous parishes to undertake on their own. This includes support for educating seminarians, Catholic Charities, campus ministry, mission parishes and schools, formational ministries, priest retirement and clergy assistance, prison ministry, evangelizing and communications. When the goal of the Catholic Service Appeal is achieved, we insure that these programs will receive the funding that is needed.
Click here for additional resources on the Catholic Service Appeal.
Catholic Relief Services
Collection Date: March 9 & 10, 2024
The Catholic Relief Services Collection supports Catholic Church organizations that carry out international relief and solidarity efforts. Programs include relief and resettlement for victims of persecution, war, and natural disasters; development projects to improve living conditions for the poor; legal and support services for poor immigrants; peace and reconciliation work for people suffering from violence; and advocacy on behalf of the powerless.
In the developing world, it is often hard for families to support themselves and their children. Sophie, a widow working in a village in Burkina Faso, was struggling to feed her family and pay for schooling for her children. Thanks to the help of Catholic Relief Services, one of the CRSC-supported organizations, her village was able to set up a Savings and Internal Lending Community (SILC). Through the SILC, members contribute what they can afford, allowing them to pool their resources and save collectively. Members can then borrow money to meet pressing needs or develop business opportunities. Through the SILC, Sophie was able to take out a $200 loan to cover startup costs for her own canteen, a sum that would be nearly impossible for her to save. Her canteen has been very successful and began to pay off in only six months. Her community has benefited too, as she has been able to hire three assistants to work with her. Without the SILC and the work of CRS, it would have been nearly impossible for her, and others like her, to create a sustainable life for her and her family.
Bulletin Announcement: This week, we are taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection to respond to Jesus in disguise. This collection helps six Catholic agencies to provide relief and support to struggling communities and to work toward peace and reconciliation among our marginalized brothers and sisters here and around the world. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the collection. Learn more at
Esta semana realizaremos The Catholic Relief Services Collection para responder a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Esta colecta ayuda a seis agencias católicas a brindar asistencia y apoyo a las comunidades luchan por salir adelante y trabajar para conseguir la paz y la reconciliación entre nuestras hermanas y hermanos marginados aquí y alrededor del mundo. Por favor, en oración, considera la manera en la que puedas contribuir a esta colecta. Infórmate más en
General: Artwork:
Rice Bowl
Collection Date: March 28, 2024 (Holy Thursday)
CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action program for families and faith communities. As a tool for your Lenten journey, it encompasses the entire liturgical season, beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding on Easter Sunday. CRS Rice Bowl contributions support projects that assist the poor both overseas and here in the United States. 75 percent of CRS Rice Bowl contributions are sent to Catholic Relief Services and help fund development projects overseas that help increase and maintain communities’ access to food. 25 percent of the contributions stay in the Diocese of Jackson to fund local poverty and hunger alleviation programs in dioceses in the United States.
Bulletin Announcement: We invite you today to donate to the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl. CRS Rice Bowl contributions support projects that assist the poor both overseas and here in the United States. 75 percent of CRS Rice Bowl contributions are sent to Catholic Relief Services and help fund development projects overseas that help increase and maintain communities’ access to food. 25 percent of the contributions stay in the Diocese of Jackson to fund local poverty and hunger alleviation programs. Please be generous.
Anuncio del boletín: Lo invitamos hoy a hacer una donación al Rice Bowl de Catholic Relief Services (CRS), por su nombre y siglas en inglés. Las contribuciones de CRS Rice Bowl apoyan proyectos que ayudan a los pobres tanto en el extranjero como aquí en los Estados Unidos. El 75 por ciento de las contribuciones de CRS Rice Bowl se envían a Catholic Relief Services para a financiar proyectos de desarrollo en el extranjero que ayudan a aumentar y mantener el acceso de las comunidades a los alimentos. El 25 por ciento de las contribuciones permanecen en la Diócesis de Jackson para financiar programas locales de reducción de la pobreza y el hambre. Por favor sea generoso.
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Holy Land
Collection Date: March 29, 2024 (Good Friday)
Every year on Good Friday, a collection is taken up in Catholic Churches to support the work of the Franciscans working in the Holy Land. Christians there rely heavily on the help that comes to them during this special day in the Church and our life of faith. The Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America is the home of a world-wide Commissariat of Friars Minor and monasteries who function as bridges between the Holy Land and Christians all over the world. The Commissariat offices here at the Monastery in Washington, D.C. coordinate the vital support for the work of the Franciscans who work in the Holy Land. The Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land have the unique responsibility of caring for the Holy Places as well as caring for the Christians living in the Holy Land. It is vital that we care for the Christians living in the Holy Land in order to maintain a Christian presence in a land that is filled with a majority Islamic and Jewish population. Translation Tierra Santa para mantener una presencia cristiana en una tierra de población mayoritariamente islámica y judía.
Bulletin Announcement: Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education. The Pontifical Good Friday Collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines. The wars, unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collection provides humanitarian aid to refugees. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land.
Anuncio del boletín: El Papa Francisco ha pedido a nuestra parroquia que apoye la Colecta Pontificia del Viernes Santo, Pontificial Good Friday Collection, por su nombre en inglés, que ayuda a los cristianos en Tierra Santa. Su apoyo ayuda el ministerio de la iglesia en parroquias, escuelas católicas y ofrece educación religiosa. La Colecta Pontificia de Viernes Santo también ayuda a salvaguardar los santuarios sagrados. Las guerras, los disturbios y la inestabilidad han sido especialmente duros para los cristianos. En estos tiempos de crisis, la Colecta Pontificia de Viernes Santo proporciona ayuda humanitaria a los refugiados. Cuando contribuyes a la Colecta Pontificia del Viernes Santo, te conviertes en un instrumento de paz y te unes a los católicos de todo el mundo en solidaridad con la Iglesia en Tierra Santa.
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Catholic Home Missions
Collection Date: April 27 & 28, 2024
The Bishops’ Subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions is a grant-making agency. It offers financial support to missionary activities that strengthen the Catholic Church in the United States, and in its territories and former territories. Through its annual fundraising campaign, the Catholic Home Missions Appeal, Catholic Home Missions educates American Catholics about mission needs and invites them to assist fellow Catholics in the practice of the faith. The Appeal primarily supports home mission dioceses, that is, those dioceses in the United States that are unable to offer their people the basic pastoral ministries of word, worship, and service without outside help. It may also give grants to other dioceses in the U.S. for particular projects, and to organizations and religious communities engaged in missionary work. The Subcommittee funds a wide range of pastoral services. However, it principally focuses on (1) evangelization activities, (2) religious education, (3) ministry training for priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and laypeople; (4) support of poor parishes across the country.
Bulletin Announcement: Support the Catholic Home Missions Appeal today! Right now, over 40 percent of dioceses in the United States are considered home mission territory because they are unable to fund the essential pastoral work needed in their communities. Your support funds programs, such as religious education, seminary formation, and lay ministry training, to build vibrant faith communities right here in the United States. Please be generous. More information can be found at
Anuncio del boletín: ¡Apoye hoy al Llamado para las Misiones Católicas! Ahora mismo, más del 40 por ciento de las diócesis en los Estados Unidos es considerado territorio misionero nacional porque a esas diócesis no les es posible financiar las labores pastorales esenciales y necesarias en sus comunidades. Su apoyo financia programas tales como la educación religiosa, la formación de seminaristas y la capacitación del ministerio laico a fin de construir unas comunidades vivas de fe, aquí, en los Estados Unidos. Por favor, sean generosos. Pueden encontrar más información en
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Education of Future Priests
Collection Date: May 11 & 12, 2024
This is a local collection, which means every dollar stays in the Diocese of Jackson. The money is used to pay tuition for seminarians of the Diocese of Jackson. It can cost up to $40,000 per year for a graduate theology degree. The cost for undergraduate seminary studies is less, but still presents a challenge for the diocese to pay for nine men in formation. This money is collected and distributed by the Office of Temporal Affairs.
Bulletin Announcement: Nine men are studying to be priests for the Diocese of Jackson. The Diocese pays for part of their undergraduate studies and fully funds their graduate studies in theology. Your donation will help these men get the best formation possible as they prepare to serve our church. Please be generous.
Anuncio del boletín: Nueve hombres estudian para ser sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Jackson. La Diócesis paga parte de sus estudios de pregrado y financia completamente sus estudios de posgrado en teología. Su donación ayudará a estos hombres a adquirir la mejor formación posible mientras se preparan para servir a nuestra iglesia. Por favor sea generoso.
Catholic Communications Campaign
Collection Date: May 25 & 26, 2024
Through internet, social networks, television, radio, and print, the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) helps the church spread the Gospel message through the media locally and nationally. Half of all donations to the CCC collected in your diocese stay in your diocese to support your local communications needs, such as radio and television programming and diocesan publications. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops coordinates this collection, but a portion of the funds stay in the Diocese of Jackson to support the Office of Communications and Mississippi Catholic newspaper.
Bulletin Announcement: Today, we are taking up the collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). Your support helps the CCC connect people to Christ, here and around the world, through the internet, television, radio, and print media. Half of the funds we collect remain in our diocese to support local efforts. Be a part of this campaign to spread the Gospel message and support the collection today! To learn more, visit
Anuncio del boletín: Hoy, llevaremos a cabo la colecta para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación (CCC). Sus donativos ayudan a la CCC a conectar a las personas con Cristo, aquí y alrededor del mundo, a través del internet, la televisión, la radio y los medios impresos. La mitad de los fondos recaudados permanecen en nuestra diócesis para financiar esfuerzos locales. Sean parte de esta campaña para propagar el mensaje del evangelio y ¡den su apoyo a la colecta de hoy! Para informarse más, visiten
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Peter’s Pence
Collection Date: June 29 & 30, 2024
The purpose of the Peter’s Pence Collection is to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. The USCCB National Collections Committee oversees the promotion of the Peter’s Pence Collection.
Bulletin announcement: Today is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collection that supports the charitable works of Pope Francis. Funds from this collection help victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous today. For more information, visit
Anuncio del boletín: Hoy es la Colecta Peter’s Pence, una colecta a nivel mundial que financia las obras de caridad del papa Francisco. Los fondos de esta colecta ayudan a las víctimas de guerra, opresión y desastres naturales. Tomen esta oportunidad para unirse al papa Francisco y sean testigos de la caridad para nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren. Por favor, sean generosos hoy. Para más información, visiten
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Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa
Collection Date: August 17 & 18, 2024
Bulletin Announcement: This weekend we take up our collection to support the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. The people of Africa are joyous and faith-filled, but as the church in Africa grows, the pastoral needs of the people also increase. From the formation of clergy to communications programs that bring the Gospel to remote territories to youth ministries that engage the next generation of disciples, the church’s needs are wide-ranging. The Solidarity Fund is an opportunity for our parish to stand with the people of Africa. Our contributions help them face these challenges, and we support them as they build lasting foundations of missionary discipleship. Please be generous. To learn more, visit
Anuncio del boletín: Esta semana realizaremos la colecta para el Fondo de Solidaridad para la Iglesia en África. Los habitantes de África son alegres y llenos de fe pero muchos también enfrentan retos debido a la pobreza, a los altos índices de enfermedad, a la escasez de alimentos y a la migración. Esta colecta una oportunidad para apoyar a los pueblos de África y los proyectos pastorales que son tan necesarios en ese continente. Por favor, sean generosos hoy. Para informarse más, visiten
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Catholic Extension Society
Collection Date: Sept. 14 & 15, 2024
All across the United States, there are poor mission dioceses struggling to meet the basic needs of their faith communities. Though these dioceses lack resources, the people they serve are rich in faith. For more than 100 years, Catholic Extension donors have joined us on a journey to support the leaders, ministries and building projects that help Catholics in these areas experience the fullness of life in the church.
Bulletin announcement: Catholic Extension provides funding to Catholic dioceses in the United States that have demonstrated “mission status.” Generally, mission status is granted to dioceses that are under-resourced and cannot sustain themselves without outside funding. The Extension Society has supported the Diocese of Jackson for decades and this collection gives us an opportunity to give back.
Anuncio del boletín: Extension Católica, Catholic Extension por su nombre en inglés, proporciona fondos a las diócesis católicas en los Estados Unidos que han demostrado el “estado de misión”. En general, el estado de la misión se otorga a las diócesis que no cuentan con recursos suficientes y no pueden mantenerse sin fondos externos. La Sociedad de Extensión ha apoyado a la Diócesis de Jackson por décadas y esta colección nos da la oportunidad de devolver.
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World Mission Sunday (Propagation of the Faith)
Collection Date: Oct. 19 & 20, 2024
In 1926 Pope Pius XI instituted Mission Sunday for the whole Church with the first worldwide Mission Sunday collection taking place in October 1927. The Mission Sunday collection is always taken on the next to last Sunday during the month of October. That day is celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to the evangelization of the world.
Bulletin Announcement: On World Mission Sunday, we are called to be part of the church’s missionary efforts, supporting mission priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, and lay catechists who provide loving service to those most in need. As Catholics around the world — here at home and in the Missions — gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, let us… PRAY for the church’s worldwide missionary work OFFER financial HELP through The Society for the Propagation Of The Faith for vulnerable communities throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands.
Anuncio del boletín: Domingo Mundial De Las Misiones, estamos llamados a ser parte de los esfuerzos misioneros de la Iglesia, apoyando a sacerdotes misioneros, Hermanas y Hermanos religiosos, y catequistas laicos que brindan un servicio amoroso a los más necesitados. Como católicos alrededor del mundo — aquí en casa y en las Misiones — se reúnen en la Eucaristía alrededor de la mesa del Señor, dejenos… ORAR por el trabajo misionero mundial de la Iglesia Ofrecer Ayuda Financiera a través de la Sociedad para la Propagación De La Fe para las comunidades vulnerables de Asia, África, América Latina y las Islas del Pacífico.
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Diocesan Ministry Assistance Fund
Collection Date: Nov. 2 & 3, 2024
This is a local collection to support local parishes, schools and diocesan ministries. All the money stays in the Diocese of Jackson and is distributed by the Office of Temporal Affairs.
Bulletin Announcement: This special second collection is dedicated to supporting our local parishes, schools, and diocesan ministries, helping fund critical projects that strengthen our faith community. Your contributions will have a direct, meaningful impact by addressing essential needs, from maintaining parish facilities and enhancing school resources to providing vital support for ministry outreach programs. With your generosity, we can ensure our parishes remain welcoming, our schools offer inspiring and safe environments for learning, and our ministries continue to reach those in need. Every dollar collected stays within our diocese, enriching the lives of those right here in Mississippi.
Anuncio del boletín: Esta segunda colecta especial está dedicada a apoyar nuestras parroquias locales, escuelas y ministerios diocesanos, ayudando a financiar proyectos críticos que fortalecen nuestra comunidad de fe. Sus contribuciones tendrán un impacto directo y significativo al abordar las necesidades esenciales, desde el mantenimiento de las instalaciones parroquiales y la mejora de los recursos escolares hasta el apoyo vital a los programas de extensión ministerial. Con su generosidad, podemos garantizar que nuestras parroquias sigan siendo acogedoras, que nuestras escuelas ofrezcan entornos inspiradores y seguros para el aprendizaje y que nuestros ministerios sigan llegando a los necesitados. Cada dólar recaudado se queda en nuestra diócesis, enriqueciendo las vidas de los que viven aquí en Mississippi.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Collection Date: Nov. 16 & 17, 2024
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, working to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ “… to bring glad tidings to the poor … liberty to captives … sight to the blind, and let the oppressed go free.” (Luke 4:18) The belief that those who are directly affected by unjust systems and structures have the best insight into knowing how to change them is central to CCHD. CCHD works to break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities. CCHD offers a hand up, not a hand out.
Bulletin Copy: Please be generous in this week’s special collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. In the United States, one in eight people lives in poverty. With this collection, you support programs that address the root causes of poverty and provide a sustainable future for those struggling across the country. In addition, 25% of the funds we collect remain in our diocese to fund local anti-poverty projects. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this collection and those working on the margins. More information about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development can be found at
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Anuncio del boletín: Por favor, esta semana sean generosos en nuestra colecta especial para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano. En los Estados Unidos, una de cada ocho personas vive en pobreza. Con esta colecta, ustedes apoyan los programas que tratan con las causas raíz de la pobreza y proporcionan un futuro sostenible a aquellos que luchan por salir adelante en todo el país. Además, el 25% de los fondos que recaudamos permanece en nuestra diócesis para financiar proyectos locales antipobreza. Por favor, en oración, consideren la manera de apoyar a esta colecta y apoyar a aquellos que trabajan desde la periferia. Pueden encontrar más información sobre la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano en:
Support of Retired Religious
Collection Date: Dec. 7 & 8, 2024
The annual appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious is taken up each December in most U.S. Catholic parishes and helps hundreds of religious communities provide for the current and future needs of senior members. The National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) coordinates the nationwide collection and distributes the proceeds to eligible religious communities. Tens of thousands of elderly Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests benefit. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops helps coordinate and supports this collection.
Bulletin Copy: Aging religious need your help. Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests ministered for years for little to no pay. Their sacrifices now leave their religious communities without adequate retirement savings. Your gift to today’s second collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious helps to provide medications, nursing care, and more for tens of thousands of elderly religious. Please be generous.
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Anuncio del boletín: Religiosos Ancianos necesitan tu ayuda. Hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes católicos mayores de edad, de orden religiosas sirvieron durante años por poco o ningún pago. Sus sacrificios ahora dejan a sus comunidades religiosas sin ahorros de jubilación adecuados. Su donación a la segunda colecta de hoy para el Fondo de Retiro para Religiosos ayuda a proporcionar medicamentos, atención de enfermería y más para decenas de miles de ancianos religiosos. Por favor sea generoso. Recursos adicionales: