The Office of Intercultural Ministry seeks to serve the Diocese of Jackson by creating, promoting, and developing cultural awareness, sensitivity, formation of communities. In collaboration with other ministries and offices of the diocese, we hope to create sacred spaces for dialogue in order to foster respect and mutual love among our diverse population. Instead of creating a melting pot, we hope to create a mosaic of one church, many faces. This office works to promote an increased awareness of the cultural/ethnic strengths and diversity of this diocese, we assist parishes in developing services to meet multicultural needs, and offer intercultural competencies.
La Oficina de Ministerio Intercultural busca servir a la Diócesis de Jackson creando, promoviendo, y desarrollando conciencia cultural, sensibilidad y formación de comunidades. En colaboración con otros ministerios y oficinas de la diócesis, esperamos crear espacios sagrados para el diálogo con el fin de fomentar el respeto y el amor mutuo entre nuestra diversa población. En lugar de crear un crisol, esperamos crear un mosaico de una iglesia, muchas caras.
Catholic Leadership Institute
SEPI – Southeast Pastoral Institute
Cultural Diversity in the Church | USCCB
McGrath Institute for Church Life | University of Notre Dame (
Inicio - Instituto Fe y Vida
Institute for Black Catholic Studies | Xavier University of Louisiana (
Tekakwitha Conference | Alexandria, LA (