The mission and ministry of the Office of Stewardship and Development is to help build stewardship as a way of life in the Diocese of Jackson. The office directs, plans and coordinates diocesan stewardship projects and programs, including the Catholic Service Appeal.
The director provides resource information, planning and training assistance to parishes to build the concept of stewardship as discipleship and develops stewardship ministry within the diocese. In addition, the director coordinates grant development and administration to support the ongoing work of parishes, missions, schools, Catholic Charities and diocesan offices.
The questionaire takes approximately 15-20 minutes to take the inventory, but a whole lifetime to use the spiritual gifts.The self-scoring sheet can help parishioners discern their top three spiritual gifts to determine what parish ministries and activities might be a good fit to endeavor their Stewardship faith calling.
Contact the Stewardship & Development Office to personalize with your parish logo and contact informatin.
It is a way of looking at our life itself, and our many gifts, through a different lens. It’s about seeing everything we have – our time on earth, our interests, intellect and talents. And, yes, our financial resources – all as gifts from God. Placed in our trust, as tools to use for our own salvation, and the salvation of all. This giving back isn’t limited to the parish or the diocese; rather, it encompasses both and much more.
Stewardship is too often confused with money. “To be a good steward” does not mean simply “to give more money.” What it does mean, however, is to recognize that all of our gifts – intellect, skills, talent, experience and financial resources – all come from God and that we are each called to be accountable, to return those gifts with interest.
By embracing the lessons of stewardship, we learn to receive our gifts gratefully from God, tend them responsibly, share them with others, and give back with increase to God. We know in our hearts that if all were to live a life of stewardship, resources would flow as people gave of themselves to the Church without thought or question.
STEWARDSHIP PATHS is a monthly newsletter published by the Office of Stewardship and Development for parishes to use as an aid to bulletin and newsletter information and articles.
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